373 9th St, Brooklyn NY 11215

info | class | hours

The Solar Yoga Ashram of New York, formerly the Solar Yoga Ashram & Arts Center, is one of the oldest Yoga centers in NYC, founded in 1977, founded by a group of students, deeply inspired by the teachings of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere, a French scientist and author of 99 books about a variety of topics, such as psychology, medicine, Western 
and Eastern philosophy and mysticism, art, among others. As a seeker of truth, la Ferriere traveled to India to learn the secrets of yoga from some rishis (sages). 

He climbed Tibet, and in its caves, in deep meditation, he experienced the samadhi ( enlightenment, liberation).  As part of his journey, he traveled to Venezuela, South America, where he met Dr. José Manuel Estrada, who became his first disciple and cofounder of Universal Great Brotherhood, a cultural nonprofit organization.

Today, Solar Yoga Ashram of New York is a spiritual, non-sectarian organization, committed to supporting individual health and wellbeing, human harmony through the practice of yoga, as taught by disciple Arturo.


Warm Up [Psycho-physical exercises]

Muscles and joints are exercised gradually in order to promote flexibility and stamina, while strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory system.


Following the body's own breathing rhythm, we learn how to release the muscular tensions to generate new vitality.

Gnani Yoga [dialogue]  

This is a time for sharing knowledge with an open dialogue.

Asanas [postures]

Beginner students are introduced to thirteen of 84 traditional Yoga Asanas. Awareness enhances the benefits which includes stimulation of the glands, massaging the inner organs and balancing the energy. An important aspect of the postures is the 'hold' or period of stillness, an experience of total oneness.



8:30 am to 9:30 am

10:30 am to 12 pm


6:30 pm to 8 pm


8:00 am to 9:00 am


10:00 am to 11:30 am
